We have a range of advertising opportunities within the centre and via our digital marketing platforms.
To feature on our digital screens in the mall please email sue@boost.direct or call 020 7278 1100.
In partnership with Positive Media Marketing, we have large A0 poster sites (3 feet x 4 feet) located in key spots around the centre where thousands will view your message every day.
Our poster sites are both effective and affordable, because they are positioned in captive areas where people stand, wait and want something to read or look at.
For further information please call Simon Grant on Freephone 0800 915 4444 or email simon.grant@positivemediamarketing.co.uk or Freephone 0800 915 4444 for more details of how to promote your organisation exclusively or visit www.positivemediamarketing.co.uk
Whether you’re looking to launch a new product, publicise your services, reinforce your market position or identify new customers, Hillstreet’s promotional spaces present an excellent opportunity with thousands of customers visiting every week.
Mobile Promotion Kiosk (MPKs) are the contemporary alternative to pop-up. Find out how it can help your business thrive here.
There are opportunities to engage with our shoppers, from live sampling and bespoke branding to radio competitions.
For all commercialisation and advertising opportunities at Hillstreet please contact:
Forum CentreSpace
Jill Southern
Tel. 0191 226 8844
The centre has an extremely strong following on our digital channels. If you have any offers or promotions that you would like featuring on our social media or website, please email artwork to info@hillstreetshopping.co.uk